
Brelko’s service division growth allows for further growth on multiple levels

With the growth of Brelko Conveyor Products’ service division over the last 11 years, the company has taken great strides to ensure that all infrastructure and equipment is kept up to date and suited to the growth of the company. Employees are also well-trained, onsite and offsite, to ensure familiarity with all Brelko products.

“When growth occurs, you simply cannot continue functioning with the same equipment and infrastructure you were using ten years ago. Growth needs to flow through the company on all levels, and be seen by everyone involved,” explains Brelko managing director, Kenny Padayachee. “This is a true testament to the commitment that our company has to its staff and clients.”


Over the years, the Brelko’s service divisions’ growth has seen with it an upgrade of vehicles to continue delivering to its clients in the best possible way. The old existing fleet was replaced with new Nissan NP200 vehicles, and over the past two years an estimated additional 15 vehicles have been bought for the newly appointed teams. All vehicles are suited for mining specifications.


Brelko tools have been assessed and upgraded where necessary with new and improved tooling. This included upgrading all electrical portable tooling to battery operated tools which makes the tooling lighter and further saves on downtime as projects are completed earlier than before. “When Brelko employees work on major contract sites, to ensure that the equipment is stored safely and also easily accessible, we place mobile containers onsite for this purpose,” comments Padayachee. “We look after what we have, and this in turn looks after our client’s needs.”


With current conditions requiring that personal safety and that of others around be of the utmost importance, Brelko has ensured that the entire service division has been standardized according to the most stringent site requirements. “Our job involves looking after people and there is no negotiation where that is concerned,” states Padayachee.


To ensure that their equipment lasts and continues to provide an efficient quality of work, only the most durable consumables, such as drill bits and cutting or grinding discs, are considered and used. This not only provides quality performance, but also employee safety.


Onsite inductions are done continuously on multiple sites. The more teams that are inducted on different sites ensures, that should there be a need, a backup team will be available if the main team on a specific site is not accessible.

“Brelko knows the importance of looking after every facet of the business, from employees to consumables, and it is through this that we are fortunate enough to enjoy the growth we have experienced over the past years. Knowing what elements makes a company and looking after those elements, should be a key step in any organisation,” says Padayachee.